Saturday, March 17, 2007

Test Bed V.4 Beta Comments

Hello Again,

I am going to keep this one short. I have yet to move to the new site address, mainly because I don't want to do it until I upgrade my test bed to V.4. You can see the new site here, but I won't be updating it until the V.4 is out. Once the new version of the test bed is out, you will see a lot of updates on everything. I am terrible with deadlines and for this I apologize.

So to make a slight ammends, here is a beta for the V.4 release. It has over 50 scripts, but I haven't finished the script headings, completed the demo, or anything. Use it as you wish, but I can't provide any support until the full version is out. I am pushing for 3 scripts to be updated a day and have about 15 new ones as well.

My goal is to have the new version out by the end of March. I have hired a team of individuals to help me on this, so I would like to thank anyone who has offered to help or is helping now.

So here it is. Beta

Please post any comments you may have.


Tuesday, January 9, 2007

New Script Ideas!

As always, I take request. So this post is for any ideas for scripts you have. I do whatever interest me or could serve as a benefit for the community.

So just ask. I am at your service.


Site Suggestions & Comments

This post is for comments & suggestions you have about my site or blog.


Scripting Suggestions & Support

This post is for suggestions or support for scripts I have made and are included in the current test bed.

Please post any suggestions, additions, or bugs you have found in the scripts. I don't have time to add all suggestions, but I will do my best.

If you are having trouble with a script, fell free to ask here. I will do what I can to help.


Hello Everyone!

Well, I finally got a blog for the sole purpose of getting feedback from people who use my scripts for Rpg Maker XP.

I will add some stuff as soon as I can.
